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Names matter. The Power of Names. Whenever we hear one, we draw a wide range of assumptions about the individual person (or item) in question. Who would like to visit a doctor with the name: Dr Paine/Payne/Pain. Pronunciation—when a name rolls off the tongue, and it is easy and uncomplicated we associate more positive sentiment with it. In fact, a name is one of the greatest gifts you will ever give your child.

What Does My Name Mean

Nominative determinism (ND) is the theory that a person’s name can have a significant role in determining key aspects of job, profession or even character. Some studies have linked unusual names to numerous disadvantages later in life.

Etymology: When people refer to the “meaning of a name”, they are most likely referring to the etymology, which is the original literal meaning.

Onomastics or onomatology is the study of the origin, history, and use of proper names. The study of names is called onomastics, a field which touches on linguistics, history, anthropology, psychology, sociology, philology and much more.

The issue of names and naming is really powerful.

It’s so deep and profound, more than what most of us ever think about. Most of us don’t think about our names, where we come from, what our names mean, anything like that, which in and of itself is a problem. But we never think about that.

Names are really important because names connect you to a past, to your history. Names are not just things floating out there in the world, but if you want to even look back and see where you came from and dig into your roots, the name is fundamental. It comes from someplace.

The first thing that many of us are ever given is our name. The name you were given generally stays with you for the rest of your days. There is a small percentage of us that will have an acronym derived from our names and some will have their names shortened. There is also the possibility that you will have a nickname that is better known than your name. At the end of the day, you will still be called or referred to by a name. The superpower of a name. Your label.

The question many ask: What does my name mean?

Hope we can shed some light on the answer to your question.

The need for personal identity and uniqueness that a name gives us is the source of why names interest us and why they are important to us. It’s often the first thing you learn about someone. Everyone recognizes himself or herself by name. Names do make a difference, especially if you have gone through life with a name you didn’t like.